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Online Animation School: How to Choose the Right One

Last updated on March 10, 2023

Here are 9 things that you should keep in mind:

There is no doubt about it that the popularity of the online animation school has been rapidly growing in the last few years. Industry veterans working at high profile animation studios have found new ways to help teach young upcoming animators learn the craft of Animation, almost in the same fashion as it was in the “old days” mentoring under a veteran while on the job.  It has always been said that the Animation Industry is “small”, and everyone tends to know each other at one point or another. Now, technology has brought the animation industry together into a global community like never before. Students can learn “Hollywood” secrets from across the globe. Students aren’t the only ones taking animation classes online. There are many industry pros retooling their skill sets, changing to a different discipline of the animation industry, or just looking to get better. You never stop learning. When looking at an online animation school, what should you keep in mind? With so many popping up, the decision could be quite difficult when parting with your hard earned cash. These schools aren’t cheap!

Here are a few tips that may help you with that decision.

1. What is your budget?

Let’s start out by just addressing the obvious:  What is your budget? Well, this is a big decision maker. If you are reading this article right now you most likely have addressed that question yourself. There are several schools to choose from and the price ranges can vary quite a bit. The higher priced schools can cost as much as an accredited University, down to schools that cost a fraction of that. For the money, what does each online animation school give you? Some schools may offer scholarships to those who qualify. It is definitely worth asking.

2. How experienced are the teachers at the animation school?

One of the most important things to look for in an online animation school is to make sure that the school you are choosing have instructors who are or have been working in the animation industry. You want to know that who you are learning from actually had worked, or is working in the trenches so to speak. By making this a priority in your decision, you will make sure that you’ll get up to date information on the latest techniques, software, and trends. The kind of insight that an instructor could give you, on what it is like to actually work at one of the animation studios that you are thinking of applying to is priceless.  An instructor with that kind of background can be a great connection for you to a studio, and help get your foot in the door.

3. What does the student work look like?

I cannot stress the importance of knowing your competition! How much work have you seen from other students, or colleagues?  You would be surprised with how very little research people do on that subject. The next step would be to ask you, what do the animation demo reels look like of the students that have finished their online animation training? Does the work look like cookie cutter, mass produced work that is difficult to tell one student from another? Is the work professional, showing real charm and appeal, or lacking any “life” and character? One suggestion is to take a few hours browsing YouTube. Type in the name of the schools that are in question as the keyword, to see some animation reels of former students .The proof is in the work!

4. How is the job placement for the graduating students?

What kind of job placement do they have? Does the online animation school have a job placement service? How active are they with their relationships with the Animation Studios?

5. Do animation studios recruit from the school on a regular basis?

Contact some of the Animation Studios that you would like to work at and ask if they recruit from the particular school that you are interested in. You find out from the places that you want to work, how many student they have hired from the program.  This leads to the next question…

6. How big is the school's alumni community?

What is the Alumni involvement with the school? Are there quite a few alumni out there that are currently placed in jobs? Does the online animation school actively follow up with alumni and host events to help foster a sense of community. This is important; alumni usually always hire, or at least have a protective hand for the new graduates of their former schools in the animation industry.

7. How is the animation school's reputation?

In relation to the previous question, make sure to visit Forums on industry related sites, as well as blogs to get a better idea of how former students feel about their learning experience.

8. Do you have access to proper industry standard equipment?

Make sure to find out what kind of equipment is expected of you when you are a student. This is easy to find out. They usually tell you on their websites. Do you have the proper equipment needed, and are you ready to learn without the distractions of an old computer crashing? Do you have the proper software, or internet connection?

9. What is the school's representation among industry known events?

Visit industry trade shows where there will usually always be a booth, or some kind of representation of each of the best online animation schools. Siggraph is the biggest industry expo, where industry professionals, students, and educators from around the world meet to talk about the art and technology of the animation industry. Another trade show, Comicon, which is technically centered on comics, has been a rapidly growing event for the animation industry. There are usually large turnouts of former online animation school students that gather every year for a meet and greet, to network and job hunt. Here are a few industry events to look into:

CTN Expo

Lightbox Expo


When you are finished gathering your information, build yourself a list of pros and cons. It should be a lot clearer for you to make a decision on which online animation school to choose from.  The freedom of learning from home, and working with an instructor at an online animation school in a more personal setting is a great way to learn, and the outcome of the classes will be worth all the legwork that you have done.

Good Luck!


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